Sunday 20 September 2015

Puppies and Babies

Hi Everyone,

For this first post, I decided to post a video that was shared with me last year. This is one of the various compilation videos that can be found online that displays the relationships of babies and puppies. Because we have been looking at the popularity of internet cats this past week in class, I felt it would be appropriate to share this video with you all.

When thinking of internet videos, often many will attempt to find videos that are considered to be cute, adorable, and light hearted. Because we are constantly attached to our phones, tablets, computers, and with the assistance of social media, it is easy to be exposed to various internet videos each day. Nowadays, we can capture everyday moments that are seen as humorous and easily post it online. It is becoming more popular for parents to share videos of their children interacting with their pets, which is increasing the popularity of videos with puppies and babies.

This video is demonstrates this perfectly. It is an adorable compilation of various babies and puppies playing together, and interacting. These videos are light hearted, and can bring smiles to many peoples faces... Unless someone does not like puppies or babies. More often, you will find individuals enjoying these videos, and sharing them. I find that my Facebook and Twitter accounts are constantly full of puppy and baby videos!

The reason why I enjoy this video in particular is because it makes me smile. I won't lie, at times I fear that the puppies are about to be tormented by the babies, but for the most part it's very cute to watch them interacting. When I'm having a bad day, or it's a stressful time with school, I often find myself taking a few minutes to watch a video like this to just allow me to smile. I hope that all of you enjoy this video in some capacity. Below is the YouTube link to the video.

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