Monday 21 September 2015

Elite Daily's Opinion on The Digital Generation

Hey guys!

I just wanted to share with you one of my favourite blogs that can be accessed through the web, Facebook and Twitter! Elite Daily is a relatable blog written by voices from generation Y. They discuss many issues related to the digital generation, love, dating, social media, experiences and life in your 20’s. They're written in witty and fun ways that make it both enjoyable and entertaining to read. People can easily relate to numerous blogs because they are written by people our age that are experiencing the same troubles, questions and pressures from our society that revolves around social media and technology. 

More specifically, this blog discusses the negative impact of social media since you are constantly comparing your life to someone else. We become obsessed with taking the perfect picture as opposed to enjoying the experience without the use of our mobile phones, cameras, etc. This article makes you step back and realize how consuming social media can be. For instance, when is the last time you looked at a beautiful sunset? Did you try to take a picture of it? Instead of enjoying the beauty of nature, you look at the event through a camera screen. Although social media allows us to stay connected and share our lives with our friends, we become obsessed to update our accounts with funny and witty tweets, captions, stylish pictures of our outfits, cute pictures of your puppy etc. It is essential we understand the fine line between being addicted to your social media and simply sharing certain experiences with friends. If you’re spending 20 minutes of your date trying to take a cute picture and editing it, you may want to consider giving this article a quick read!


  1. Hey Justine!

    I also love Elite Daily and really enjoy reading the variety of articles that they have. I like that Elite Daily represents themselves among a variety of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter because this makes their articles even easier to access. Through the various topics and categories that Elite Daily features, the articles are appealing to a lot of people and it seems as though there is something that everyone can relate to. The article that you posted was also something that I found to be interesting, especially because of how ingrained social media has become to our daily lives.

  2. Hey Justine!

    Once I saw that you wrote about Elite Daily I got so excited I knew I had to write about it! I love the stories they write, even though some are so ridiculous and unachievable ideals of society/relationships.

    The article you posted really intrigued me because I could relate to it. I was so fed up with societies fixation on the number of likes and followers one has that I deleted my Twitter account and few years ago, and just last year my Instagram account. To tell you the truth, I have never felt better. I stopped worry and thinking about what others thought. In a way I became happier and just lived my life. Every point she mentioned in her article I can vouch for and recommend everyone to try it.

  3. Hey Justine!

    Once I saw that you wrote about Elite Daily I got so excited I knew I had to write about it! I love the stories they write, even though some are so ridiculous and unachievable ideals of society/relationships.

    The article you posted really intrigued me because I could relate to it. I was so fed up with societies fixation on the number of likes and followers one has that I deleted my Twitter account and few years ago, and just last year my Instagram account. To tell you the truth, I have never felt better. I stopped worry and thinking about what others thought. In a way I became happier and just lived my life. Every point she mentioned in her article I can vouch for and recommend everyone to try it.

  4. There's something about Elite Daily that completely rubs me the wrong way. Arguably it's a cool medium, sure, but I think that since it is a blog that ANYONE can contribute to, the articles need to be read a lot more critically, which often they aren't. There are tons of articles on this site that promote harmful ideas, such as this one, an article about hookup culture that says that our generation "invented it," and goes on to list all the reasons it has ruined love. I think it's crazy to insist that before our generation, no one was having sex outside of a relationship, yet somehow people bought into it and it was all over my Facebook timeline for months. I think that because this article, as well as the others on Elite Daily, was "published" on this online forum, readers afford it more legitimacy, instead of critically reading it and considering why this person's ideas might be dated.

    In terms of "Life Without Social Media" there's something very pretentious to me about publishing an article about why your life is so much better than everyone's around you because you choose not to subscribe to the social media that they're using and it drives me crazy that this person's ego gets a boots from all the shares this article will receive from others who uncritically want to pander to an older generation who lived without social media.
