Monday 21 September 2015

Ellen's Greatest Video

Hey class !

So in my opinion Ellen is one of the funniest women on television currently. She puts a smile on peoples faces daily and does so through some light hearted humour. Every year Ellen sends her writer Amy to a haunted house right around halloween. Amy is terrifies of haunted houses but is a good sport about it always. The haunted houses have been getting progressively more scary over the past few years and has ranged from being on boats to the middle of haunted farms. This particular video though is taken at Universal Studies and was not only Amy but also contained Andy one of her executive.

 I know these videos happens every year around Halloween so I wait for these videos. No matter how many times I watch this video I laugh as hard as the first time. I do not understand what it is about watching other people get scared that is so amusing but it is absolutely amazing to watch. The way Andy screams at the people to stop and Amy jumps is just hilarious. For most people Halloween is a scary time because of the costumes and darkness, its great that Ellen can turn a normal night into a hilarious one by adding a camera. I hope you all enjoy the video and it puts a smile on your face as well.


  1. I couldn't agree more with your comment about Ellen being amongst the funniest people on television today. She has the ability to lighten any mood with the content she brings to her talk show.

    I had no idea that she has her writer walk through a haunted house every year but I love that she engages her employees on the show as part of her comedic content. I can't even imagine how fun it must be to work with her!

    Thank you for sharing this video with the class! I definitely had a good laugh.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Nadine,
    I really enjoyed the video – and like Bri, I had no idea she had her writer walk through a haunted house every year. I appreciate her inclusiveness by allowing her employees to participate alongside her on the show. Ellen is one of my favorite celebrities, as she uses her fame in such a positive and inspirational way. Ellen’s humor also plays a huge role when it comes to the subject of homosexuality, in that her lighthearted approach has eased the negative implications associated with homosexuality. Ellen not only embraces her sexuality, but gives others the courage to do so as well. I’m sure that we can all agree that many have become more accepting towards homosexuality because of Ellen. She is AMAZING. Great post!

  4. I remember seeing this video on TV and every time I watch it, it makes me laugh. Ellen is so funny and I love how she gets people from the crew to participate in segments. After watching this one video I watched the other videos of Amy walking through other haunted houses and they are all just as funny. I love watching any of the videos on Ellen's youtube channel because they are very funny an entertaining. She's great at conducting interviews and she always pulls pranks on audience members or even her guests.

  5. Hi Nadine,

    I absolutely loved the haunted house video!! I can definitely relate to Andy and Amy as I am personally terrified of haunted houses. I agree with you, Ellen is by far one of the best comedians in today's society. Her humor, passion and positive energy definitely influences the public in a positive way! It's amazing that clips from her show can be shared and viewed online. Social media has enabled videos to be shared instantaneously making the world a much smaller place.

    If you enjoy Ellen's humor check out her instagram below! I always get a good laugh out of her throwback Thursday photographs!


