Sunday 20 September 2015

Blog Post 1: Key & Peele: TeachingCenter

Hey Everyone!

My name is Ryan and for my first blog I'd like to show you guys a clip from the Youtube channel Key & Peele titled, TeachingCenter. Key and Peele are both comedians and host their own show on Comedy Central. The reason why I chose a Youtube video is because of my addicting habit of getting lost within the Youtube world. Key and Peele have a bunch of popular youtube clips I'm sure most of you have seen, such as Misread Text and East/West College Bowl. Majority of their videos take on everyday experiences with humorous twist to them.

The reason why I chose Key & Peele: TeacherCenter is because of the message behind it. They imitate the idea of SportCenter and sport broadcasting by altering the segment name and focus of their video. Instead of centring the attention around athletic highlights, the video reverses roles and teachers are the glorified stars whereas athletes are considered the common worker. The video mocks the idea of athletes signing multi-million dollar contracts and addresses the issue that teachers are the ones who should be making the big bucks. Throughout the clip, Key and Peele poke fun of how media covers sports by replacing sports highlights with teaching highlights. Overall, I think it's a pretty funny clip and I hope you guys like it. It's something funny but does draw attention to the issue of what society considers role models.

Hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. I think this clip is very funny, and I can see how there are hidden messages within the clip. The messages are a comedic and inoffensive way of explaining how over glorified athletes are, however there is also the message that teachers don't get enough credit in todays news. Very rarely do we see mass coverage of a teacher excelling at their job. The Internet and social media seems to be an excellent way of sharing a message on a widespread scale, a message that would normally be unheard.
