Monday 21 September 2015

"Celebrities Read Mean Tweets"

Hello Everyone!

Although I do not find myself spending a lot of time watching YouTube videos one that I found especially entertaining and I would recommend Jimmy Kimmel’s “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets," to you all. Jimmy Kimmel’s numerous videos that were played on his late night show of celebrities reading offensive texts from strangers make a very strong point of how easily information can be traveled to others through the use of social media. Before outlets such as Facebook and Twitter were invented these clips would only been accessible by actually watching the television show during its allotted time slot. Now we are able to go on YouTube and watch these types of videos in mere seconds and can share the things we like through statuses or posting links on our social media. Meaning it takes a short amount of time and effort to show others funny or even serious photos, videos, and information with the entire world.

Not only is it much easier for us to share information with each other but it also shows how celebrities are much more accessible than they were in the past because of these mediums. Not only is it easier for us to track celebrities through social media outlets to find out what they are up to and what kind of work they are doing but we can also connect with them. The public can now contact what were once untouchable celebrities directly and make comments and posts that can be seen by them and allows them to respond back if they desire to. 


  1. I am so delighted to see this was posted because it's only of my favourite things on the Internet. Your point about celebrities being more accessible than every is extremely relevant to our discussions of social media. This segment really brings that to the forefront since average people tweeting at celebrities probably don't expect that they will ever read them, let alone read them on television.

    Furthermore, I think the humour behind this segment also does a good job of taking celebrities down a notch a little but (which they are willing to do by laughing at themselves!) and minimizes the divide between "average" members of society and celebrities. It surely reminds us how linked in we all really are.

  2. This is also one of my favorite videos! Another thing about this video which I find fascinating is that it illustrates people’s ignorance when it comes to posting tweets. A lot of those people who tweeted about the celebrity probably though that the celebrity would never see it. I think a lot of people tweet mean comments being ignorant of who may see the tweet. I have seen knock off viral videos similar to celebrities read mean tweets, where kids who are being bullied read the mean tweets that were posted about them, or teachers read tweets students had written about them. I believe that some internet users do not realize the impact that their tweet could have on other people, especially hurtful ones.

  3. I love this series of videos! It is so refreshing to see celebrities accepting and even poking fun at themselves as well as addressing the cyber-bulling they receive. As other people have mentioned, it totally does highlight just how rude some people can be behind a computer screen. This video does a great job in demonstrating the constant insanity that celebrities deal with on a daily basis.

    All in all, these videos are just a great way of laughing at the people who take their time to insult others on the internet in a fun and entertaining way! Thanks for sharing!

  4. This is one of my favourite video series to watch! It's so funny seeing the mean things people say and the reaction the celebrities have while reading the tweets. What I like about the video is that it makes people realize that when they say mean things on social media they are putting it out there for millions to see. I feel like many times people post things on social media without a second thought because it can get lost within the other posts or they think that only their friends or followers will see the post. Especially when people tweet celebrities, people always think it is unlikely that they will see your post because they could get thousands of tweets in a day. I feel like it is almost shocking that the celebrities are reading the mean tweets because often times they are the tweets that they would try to ignore.The video is very funny and light hearted, but it also helps people realize how hurtful people can be online.

  5. This is, again, one of those YouTube videos that I can watch time and time again and it does not get old. I think it is really cool how these celebrities can laugh at these "mean tweets" directed towards them rather than being offended by them. I think this speaks volumes about how the celebrities do not give the person behind the screen sending the tweet the power to influence the way they feel about themselves. It takes courage to be able to laugh when someone is directly insulting your looks, talents, personal life, etc. and rise above the negative act. Jimmy Fallon finds a way to create a hilarious segment out of it, and every celebrity is a great sport about it.

  6. Its good to see stuff like this as it shows some faith left in humanity from the higher class of people in this world. It also shows that there are ways around fighting or responding with black lash in a more tasteful manner per say. It also demonstrates how people can troll and act tough on the keyboard when in face to face communication its less likely comments like that would be even spoken.

  7. Its good to see stuff like this as it shows some faith left in humanity from the higher class of people in this world. It also shows that there are ways around fighting or responding with black lash in a more tasteful manner per say. It also demonstrates how people can troll and act tough on the keyboard when in face to face communication its less likely comments like that would be even spoken.

  8. It is without a doubt that ‘Celebrities Read Mean Tweets’ on Jimmy Kimmel is my favorite segment on any late night TV program. I thoroughly enjoy that you decided to share this video with us because it has been way too long since I last watched it and clearly it never gets old because I still had a good laugh.

    ‘Celebrities Read Mean Tweets’ is great in many different aspects. Not only is it hilarious to see all of the reactions and clever remarks that celebrities have to say to their ‘haters’ but simultaneously there are connotative messages directed to the audience. To me the connotative messages relate to cyber bullying. Cyber bullying in todays society has become a huge issue and affects so many people. In my eyes, social media sites have enabled people to ‘hide’ behind their keyboards and voice any opinion or nasty comment virtually rather than having the courage to tell someone in person. With this segment it shows that every single person, no matter what status you are in society, can be targeted with cyber bullying. The celebrities even mock their ‘haters’, which presents the idea to viewers that you should laugh at how ignorant and rude people can be sometimes. For example Joel McHale makes fun of his subtweeter for tweeting ‘d-bag’ instead of the entire word ‘douchebag’, if you are going to make a rude comment online at least have the decency to spell it correctly.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hey Dana!
    I think this is an excellent post. You described the Jimmy Kimmel show but also provoked discussion in the audience (which is evident through the number of comment s you've received) The way in which this video is put together makes it humorous but also effectively brings up the point you raised about communication: Twitter and other social media platforms allow information/people's thoughts to travel to other individuals in a way that was never possible before. - that's a really cool concept to think about! Do you think social media should be more closely monitored? A few others have raised the idea that I agree with- in that social media can make bullying a huge issue, and since it's on the internet it's much harder to monitor. All in all, as mature adults here the post is definitely entertaining and closely relates to our course :)

  11. This is very interesting. There are several posts that link to television content shared on social media, which is quite different from user generated content created through social media. Two ideas for further discussion and thought present themselves: is the dominant use of social media platforms as mode of distribution rather production; and what does this say about the concept of "remediation"?
