Wednesday 30 September 2015

Blog Post #2: Popularity vs. Anxiety

After reading the article, “The Prom Queen of Instagram” it is rather evident that Technological Determinism is pertinent to the article. In today’s technologically driven society, the public is infatuated with consumption and social media. Individuals are so infatuated with technology that they are ultimately subjects of it (29). The mass media continues to provoke societal norms and ideologies across society. As noted by Baym technology continues to challenge authentic relationships while provoking various fears and anxieties (44). Baym outlines this notion claiming that, “authentic self representation is not always simple,” (38). Social media platforms such as Instagram influence how people present themselves in order to seem ‘cool’ or promote a certain reputation. 

Social media is a powerful tool that has the ability to challenge originality and authenticity. People choose to portray themselves in a certain way in order to gain popularity and thus confidence. This is problematic as it promotes an unhealthy materialistic lifestyle where self-love is based upon likes and comments. In the article, 16-year-old Lilli Hymowitz claims she appears to be ‘cooler’ than she is on social media. The persona she portrays on Instagram is not necessarily an accurate representation of her. The author states, “[i]n real life, Hymowitz is five-foot-one when she isn’t wearing heels, with dark hair that she is currently trying to lighten, in stages, so that within a couple of months she’ll be blonde,” (2015). This really resonated with me as it exemplifies technological determinism and how Hymowitz is portraying herself in a way, which she wants to be perceived. Although Hymowitz has been crowned ‘Instagram Queen,’ it is important to note how she only shares select perfected images and experiences with her followers. This most definitely can provoke social anxiety to not only her but also followers aspiring to be like her.

Technology continues to impact social life as machines dominate everyday life (44). Technological determinism is a reoccurring theme throughout society as technology not only has the ability to influence popularity but also has the ability to provoke fear and anxiety.

1 comment:

  1. Julia, I completely agree with your opinion that social media threatens our everyday life as well as the authenticity of our relationships with our friends. I believe that the majority of obsessive social media users, such as Lilli, have anxieties that her followers will meet her and they will think she is not "as cool" as her Instagram account. Unfortunately, as you have mentioned, Lilli will only post photos to her account that glamorize her life and exemplify how "cool" she is, and thus technology can easily manipulate the portrayals of average individuals.
