Wednesday 4 November 2015

And so this happened . . . .

Social media star Essena O’
Neill deletes Instagram account

"A teenager who dramatically altered her popular Instagram profile to reveal how she was paid for seemingly perfect images has deleted her account, encouraging followers to visit and donate to her new website instead.
Essena O’Neill, 18, who had 612,000 followers, had rewritten the captions on many of the images, explaining she was being paid to promote clothes and drinks, and had taken some of the selfies more than 100 times to get the right stomach-sucked-in shot. O’Neill said the pictures “served no real purpose other than self-promotion”.
The YouTube video is which she announces her social media 'suicide' can be found here.
Blog post assignment to follow in due course, natch :)
Apparently, there has been some serious blowback to the Essena's dramatic anti-social media gesture by other "social media influencers", including her purported friends, lifestyle vlogger twins Nina and Randa, who call b.s. on Essena'as "hoax" here
To place this all in some analytical context, I shall invoke the thoughts of friend and fellow social media scholar Chrystal Abadin here

and some thoughts of another social media scholar Tama Lever here

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